We have all most likely been given the details by now from local officials in regards to Covid-19 safety guidelines and mandates for getting together over the holidays. As well as gathering for weddings and any life milestone where a party plan or home entertaining is involved. We want you to know the many resources and ways to celebrate any holiday, event, or milestone beautifully are still very possible. We just need to wrap our heads around a few key elements when having any gathering right now.

Can we celebrate anything?
Holidays/ Birthdays / All gatherings Including Small Weddings and Celebrations of Life at Private Homes and some venues.
The answer is yes you can, but in reason.
In the State of Mn (and a few other states in the U.S.) it has been mandated as of Nov 10 2020 that small family gatherings of 10 or less only are permitted and cannot be from more than 3 different households. (You can check state by state trends and get links to guidelines for each state here)
1. Prepare food with a mask on or have food catered by licensed kitchen, caterer, or restaurant.

Great ideas for types of food that work great in packed options would be anything that can be made in mini portion.
*Small bites and appetizer samplers- consider everything in mini and give people a variety of options in one type of "bento box" or a lunch tray style plate. Or just covering each plate and keeping in warmer until ready to be served. You can also purchase a warming light for food.
We've seen cute options for this both in disposable and china.
2. Cover food before serving

Keep lids on food as items are cooking or after done waiting to be portioned. Don't offer a buffet at any celebration where others can touch spoons that everyone is coming in contact with.
3. Pre portion & prepackage individually anything and everything if possible. Appetizers, Salad, etc.

4. Get a Covid test prior to home entertaining or hosting any event to know if you are a carrier and need to cancel or postpone your gathering.

If you are inviting people to your home make sure your family is covid free prior to exposing anyone potentially. It's unfortunate but don't have a gathering even if you are not showing symptoms but test positive.
5. Set separate tables for each house hold spaced 6 feet apart.

You may not be able to hold hands to say grace but you can have some fun with a seating arrangement that lends to a safe celebration. Make it fun for your guests to take their mind off of the whole "separate but together" atmosphere.
Think of doing different but coordinating colors on tables. Each a little something unique for centerpiece or a fun game for the tables.
If you can be outside to dine in the location you are at, this is great and the safer way to be versus inside.
For more great tips check out these links
Also on the Adore Blog and See the current issues of Adore Magazine on sale now.
Any professional in the business of weddings, marketing, or events will tell you "it's gotten really real" for us the last few months. As it has for so many that want to elevate and celebrate the beautiful milestones in their lives, promote businesses, or even just be able to work without also having to pay teacher to your kids in distance learning. Adore Magazine and publisher Kat Minks loves offering these tips for you to enjoy. Please subscribe to free wonderful tips and day's for celebration, home, and style.
You have a unique opportunity to consult with Award Winning Event Designer & Stylist , Brand marketing specialist Kat Minks about your events or business. Head over to www.katminks.com for more information

photo Gratitude Photography.