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Easy and Inexpensive Throw Pillows

Lots people are using throw pillows for kjust about everything you can put a pillow on including for events.

Want the chic look of pillows without pending upwards of $25 - 100 per pillow??

Use these tips!


1) Find in expensive place mats that are lined. I found these at target in the clearance section for $0.44 each.


2) Cut a slit in the back so that your hand can fit to stuff. If you have old throw pillows you can use the stuffign from them or go buy a bag of batting.


3) Stuff your pillow until it's pretty firm. Remember these are meant for looks, not to sleep on. you want your pillow to be sturdy but still soft ot touch. Think "medium firm".

4) Either hand sew slit or run edge through sewing machine.


Voila! Entire cost about $1.40!



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