How lockdowns have changed style in every way even how we view a red carpet award show.
Many people may say say "You are crazy if you think I',m putting on anything but elastic pants! Even to a wedding". To people like me this is all too sad but true. Never in my wildest dreams when I lived in Los Angeles hosting celebratory, catered award show parties complete with champagne and dress code for guests to fill out a ballet to vote for Golden Globe or Oscar nominees did I ever think the actual red carpet would be so bare, stark, or may not even happen but virtually.
Covid not only changed everyday fashion with many dressing up only from the waist up but also making something as special and couture as a wedding gown now an almost completely ready to wear or off the rack facet to the industry. ( Something that two years ago was almost unheard of.
While some trend forecasters said 2021 was going to be the flip side of the coin to 2020 in terms of going bigger and celebrating more embellishments, being more "extra" in fashion the way it's going is not that way. In fact in a recent red carpet round table that (Fashion Editor of - Hollywood Foreign Press) had with celebrity red carpet stylists you will find a key phrase being "with everything that's going on".
Naturally there are the key points of looking fab from the waist up is most important but to also be socially sensitive.
Men's Celebratory and Red Carpet Fashion
For men it's the trend that I know my own clients have embraced in the last few years for events and that's brooches instead of pocket squares. Men are definitely more expecting to be dressed down. No ties as it seems "silly".
Women's Celebratory and Red Carpet Fashion
For women it does greatly matter if they are presenting in person or a nominee not presenting. It does sound like unexpected color on people you would not normally see it on will be a key element. Potentially telling us to throw that black away! We are all on camera and screen and black doesn't look good on people on screen almost always. Could this be the spark to our own personal celebrations and weddings ( particularly brides) turning to more color as well? I think so!
Your own Fashion Take Aways from Adore Publisher and Professional Stylist Kat Minks
- Everyday - Do Color. Play and have fun. Experiment. Document your looks and that way when we go into the world more adn more you will be confident in these new looks and style you have adopted. Get out of elastic !
- For Parties and small gatherings - be socially conscience and do eco friendly fashion. Shop locally.
- For Weddings - Do color. Do something unexpected but in keeping with the tone of today. Maybe two - piece styles like the ones shown in our recent issue of Adore Magazine from (Fern and Moon) . It's also your moment and you can achieve the feeling through a hair style, jewelry, etc..
To view the full round table that features celebrity stylists click below.
If you are needing a fun does of accessible style in everyday, business, or for an event check out Adore Magazine and Kat Minks Design