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Give Me Shelter - Fun DIY

You can make this fun and easy DIY with just a few simple items and for a lot less than online or store bought tents or teepees.

What you need:

White rope ( about 2 yards)



5 Pine Boards- (2 in ch by 8 or 10 foot )

Canvas Tarp

Tie the twin around each board about 1.5 inches apart so they bundle easily when you wrap them.

Then wrap top with rope.

Use staple gun to staple tarp to front two boards about 4 inches apart all the way down.

(alternatively you can sew a the canvas around the front two boards )

Final Product

Additional tips. If the flooring slippery where you are using the tent you may want to attach non slip run material to the bottom of the legs.

Enjoy your tent and use for cuddle corner or tent for kids. makes a great theme gift or photo op area and more!

For more day's and party tips check out and Adore Magazine.


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