It goes without saying that years of hard work sometimes never gets recognized. However I have come to believe that if you don't toot your own horn every once in awhile no one will notice you. This is the case with getting awards.
It takes the right combination of the perfect client that wants more for their event than they've seen at friends events. It takes years of building the perfect vendor relationships. The kind of relationships where they have your back and only want to create the most amazing events for you. It takes hard work on the event day in setting up the perfect shots for the photographer. It takes hard work writing about the intricate details of the event and redrafting the words to make them perfect in order to submit it for judging. And finally, It takes the confidence to stand in front of hundreds of people you have admired in the event industry and accept the award graciously and with absolute pride.
This happened to me and my company, Adore Productions just a few weeks ago when I had the opportunity to accept an award for the hard work and collaboration I did on a particular wedding. The awards granted are "Best Wedding Under $50,000" and "Best Design and Decor Under $25,000" given by ISES (International Special Events Society).
In my acceptance (alongside collaborator and client Nicole French) I mentioned and tooted my own horn letting everyone know that I didn't see the award just as an award for one particular project but for years of hard work on various projects, learning lessons, and collaborations. It was truly the culmination of many amazing events I have done but never submitted for an award because I didn't believe in myself enough to think my work was worthy. I can honestly say now I know I'm a talent that just loves spreading my love for what I do to create and make people's dreams a reality through weddings and events.
